Our Story

When Jono Knowles was introduced to the wine industry, he was blown away. The art and the romance of the industry was like nothing he had ever experienced before. The closest thing he could liken it to was travel; when you go to another country and experience another culture, you’re taken out of your own little world into something completely different. 

 So much was the impression and influence on him, that he felt the need to share it with friends and family so they too could experience some of the alchemy. Knowles Brothers Wines started out as a passion project, but once friends and family tasted the wine and got involved in harvesting, crushing and pressing the fruit, there was potential in growing the business, and hand-in-hand with this, an opportunity to share further by sourcing and bringing a wider variety of wines into the project. 

Demand was such that many who shared in the experience often offered to collaborate and assist in pushing along the Knowles Brothers progression of expanding their range and making different varieties. The Knowles Brothers philosophy is that good wine is grown. That is why they put so much effort into sourcing the very best fruit from growers that they know and trust. It is also what makes them different. 

Doing the very best by the fruit is an art. It takes a long time, exposure, passion, opportunity, and the biological advantage of tastebuds to make a truly thoughtful wine. 

Knowles Brothers hold themselves to the highest standards, incorporating their values of sharing, integrity and excellence in everything they do. You’ll find that they don’t cut corners, and will always show you a good time. 

Join the Journey. You won't be disappointed! 

Our Story
Our Story

Our Team

Victor Ko

Jono Knowles

Founder & Winemaker

Jono co-founded Knowles Brothers Wine in 2015. He assumes the roles of Chief Winemaker, Vineyard Selection, Industry Networking and Collaboration among many other things. His penchant for perfection is his biggest strength and worst weakness when it comes to making and selling wine, which is why his business savvy brothers keep his generous nature in check. When Jono is not pouring his love into wine making, you’ll find him fighting fires or ferrying around his four gorgeous daughters with a bin of grapes in the back of his ute. Jono is generally enthusiastic and interested in many things. He’s industrious and creative, which makes his wines among the best in the Barossa Valley.
K.a Joben

Tobias Knowles

General Manager

Tobi co-founded Knowles Brothers Wine in 2015, initially focusing on the logistics of the operation. Given his Business Management background, he saw the opportunities that would come with formalizing the business. Namely; greater ability to share and develop new wines, better positioning to access exceptional fruit, and more opportunities to host and create unique experiences for the members. Tobi’s background involved spending some time working with his American wife Jess at cellar doors in the Barossa, Tobi discovered his talent for entertaining people with his wit and astute perceptivity of the palate. This now places him perfectly to manage the wine club, sales and events for the business. Tobi loves to accommodate guests with his playful, light-hearted nature, and is quietly ecstatic to see the Knowles Brothers’ name prosper with the addition of his two cheeky boys, Harrison and Louis.
Richard Bauer

Ben Knowles

Financial Controller

Ben joined Knowles Brothers Wines in early 2020. Living in Canada, one hour north of the Niagara wine region, has never deterred Ben’s keen interest in the family business. With a background in finance and business analysis, it made perfect sense for Ben to join and support his brothers in the capacity of Financial Controller as the business grew. Ben’s analytical mind draws his interest to the wine making process, where quality is influenced by care and time. Enjoying good food and wine comes naturally for Ben, living with his Italian Portuguese wife Alicia and three school aged children – there's always amazing food on the table. The culmination of the three brother’s skills and experience allows the Knowles Brothers to collectively deliver a wine experience from vineyard, to launch, to their customers living rooms.


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